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The mission of the Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church is to be a light that sits on a hill, bringing those in darkness to that light to glorify Christ and to show love to all that the world may see Christ working in us.


The goals and objectives of the Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church are to worship, witness, educate, minister, edify, and apply these in our efforts to evangelize our communities, state, and nation for the cause of Christ.



    Implementation of these goals and objectives are as follows:


  • Worship God through the preached word, song, prayers, and respond to the presence of God.


  • Witness by preaching, teaching, witnessing, and doing missionary work.


  • Educate the body of Christ through structured Bible Study, Sunday School, Youth Church, New Members Orientation, Leadership Workshops and the preached word.


  • Minister to those who have physical, mental and spiritual needs; the sick, lonely, disturbed; to one another for strength; uplifting of spirit, and to follow examples of Jesus.


  • Edify the body of Christ through regular worship, prayer meetings, holy communion, and preaching the Gospel.


  • Apply all these Christian principles to help draw others to our Lord’s saving grace, and to practice morality in business and personal relationships.


  • Evangelize, state, and nation by giving financial support to crisis centers, rescue missions, foreign missions, Shaw University, Prison Ministries, Homeless Shelters, Baptist Missions, Spring Revival and Fall Revival.

Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church

1929 Piney Grove Church Road

Hillsborough, NC 27278


Phone: 919-732-9420

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